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Sports Chiropractic at Resilience Chiropractic

Athletes and people who participate in active recreational activities subject their bodies to additional demands beyond normal day-to-day wear and tear. At Resilience Chiropractic, we want to help athletes of all ages and abilities perform at their highest level and get the most out of their endeavors. Dr. Phil is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, with the experience and expertise to help keep you in the game.
Man with golf clubNEW PATIENTS

Conditions We Help With

You don’t have to be injured to seek sports chiropractic care—in fact, we’d prefer it if you don’t wait for an injury! Many of the patients we see have been participating in their sport or activity for years, and they come to us because they notice they don’t have the same mobility they once did, or they have to favor a particular joint as a result of repetitive use, or their performance has just diminished in some way.

Of course, we do see patients who come in with an acute sports injury as well. And other patients are proactive and seek care when everything is still going great so that they can optimize their performance and stay healthier longer.

Some of the common sports issues we help with include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and other wrist issues
  • Golfer’s/tennis elbow
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rotator cuff problems
  • Runner’s knee
Dr. Phil will talk with you about your issues and conduct a thorough examination. Then he’ll design a care plan specifically for you with the goal of helping you achieve your objectives. It’s important to remember that healing is not an instantaneous “event,” but rather a process that takes time.

Winning the Race

We have a patient who is a 70-year-old runner. When she came to us, she hadn’t been able to run for a couple of years because of a problem with her hip. We got her hip/thigh issue resolved and she was able to get back to running and recently completed a half marathon.

Schedule Today

Let us help keep you in the game! Contact us today to book.


Sports Chiropractic St. Louis Park MN | (952) 426-1024